Additional fire incidents related to this property can be accessed through the View sales history, tax history, home value estimates, and overhead views. The Zestimate for this house is 73,400, which has increased by 73,400 in the last 30 days. house located at 1554 Railview Rd, Gladys, VA 24554. Have there been any fire-related events in close proximity to the house located at 1386 Railview Rd, Gladys, VA? The most recent fire incident involving the house at 1386 Railview Rd, Gladys, VA occurred in 2007. 1245 Railview Rd, Gladys, VA is a single family home that contains 912 sq ft and was built in 1960. What is the architectural style or type of the house located at 1386 Railview Rd, Gladys, VA? The property located at 1386 Railview Rd, Gladys, VA is classified as a Single Family residential dwelling. house located at 187 Ebenezer Rd, Gladys, VA 24554 sold for 96,000 on Jan 9, 2014. Zoned agricultural, livestock and horses allowed. Land is fairly level, mostly wooded with small timber. Old House on 8.87 Acres (1428 RAILVIEW ROAD GLADYS). 1428 Railview, Gladys, VA 24554, MLS 323953 - Old home on 5.42 acres. What is the number of bedrooms in the house located at 1386 Railview Rd, Gladys, VA? The house situated at 1386 Railview Rd, Gladys, VA features a total of 3 beds bedrooms. Lynchburg, VA > Real Estate > Real Estate For Sale in Lynchburg, VA > BACK ON. FAQ When was the house located at 1386 Railview Rd, Gladys, VA completed? The house situated at 1386 Railview Rd, Gladys, VA was completed in 1900.